Площадка: Новая промышленная зона
Резидент: ООО "Кавиар Биосистем"
Дата съемки: 09.02.2018г.

Construction control

In accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, construction control is done in the process of construction, reconstruction, capital repair of capital construction objects for the purposes of checking conformity with design documentation, technical regulations requirements, engineering researches results, the requirements of town-planning of land plot.

Construction control (technical supervision) is the developer’s responsibility. For this purpose, the developer has the right to involve a specialized organization with an SRO permit in construction supervision on a contractual basis.


The main objectives of the technical supervision are: monitoring compliance with design solutions, construction deadlines and regulatory requirements, including construction works quality, construction, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of enterprises (objects) costs conformity with the approved in the established procedure projects and budgets.

According to the main objectives the companies and employees, performing technical supervision, are given the following responsibilities:
  • According to the main objectives the companies and employees, performing technical supervision, are given the following responsibilities:
  • timely action and control over elimination of revealed defects in design documentation, its revision (if necessary) and prevention of unjustified increase in the estimated construction cost;
  • construction structures, products and, materials quality certifying documents verification (technical passports, certificates, laboratory test results, etc.);
  • construction process geodetic works execution control; examination and evaluation (jointly with construction companies employees) ofperformed works and constructive elements, hidden during the subsequent works, as well as providing requirements to prohibit further works before hidden works examination acts registration;
  • pre-acceptance (as and when ready) of critical building and facility structures – reservoir buildings, metal and concrete structures, etc. It is performed with the participation of General Contracting and specialized (installation) organizations and design organizationsrepresentatives.
  • participation in conditions and project compliance checks of equipment, received for erection,it’s installation quality assessment, integrated testing and acceptance, carried out by the state control and construction supervisionbodies;
  • inventories of accepted and paid construction and installation works volume and costs, as well as cost and volumes of deficient works, performed by the contractor and costs for defects elimination and rework;
  • availability and accuracycontrol of the primary Executive technical documentation (executive schemes of assembled structures instrumental survey, parts of buildings, structures and utilities, general and special work logs) and its amendments concerning the identified faults and defects during the production of construction and installation works;
  • monitoring of guidance and supervision and state constructioncontrolbodies orders execution by construction and installation organizations, as well as technical supervision requirements of the customer concerning quality of construction and assembly works and applied designs, products, materialsand
  • equipment, timely removal of defects and deficiencies identified during the acceptance of certain types of works, buildings’structural elements, structures and objects in general;
  • participation of the working commissions (acceptance Committee) in the quality checks of individual structures and components, types of construction and erection works, equipment and mechanisms during their acceptance;
  • participation in the examination of the objects, buildings and structures, which are subject to conservation, and in documentation of conservation or temporary cessation of enterprises, buildings and structures construction, as well as the evaluation of the objects technical conditions during their transfer to construction and installation organizations to continue the work.

For all questions related to the construction and design of facilities: