Площадка: Новая промышленная зона
Резидент: ООО "Кавиар Биосистем"
Дата съемки: 09.02.2018г.

30.08.2017 - Announcement: SEZ “Dubna” will congratulate sponsored gymnasium No. 11 with the Day of Knowledge

On September 1, the delegation of the special economic zone headed by the general director of JSC "SEZ TIT"Dubna"Anton Afanasyev will take part in the solemn line, which will be held in the sponsored Humanitarian and aesthetic gymnasium в„– 11 and will be devoted to the Day of Knowledge. The management company of the SEZ "Dubna" took patronage over the gymnasium and signed an agreement on mutual assistance and cooperation on the Day of Child Protection on June 1, 2017, and has already assisted the educational institution in creating comfortable conditions for classes: local repairs in primary classes recreation have been carried out, and sanitary engineering and equipment necessary for lessons were repaired.


With the beginning of the academic year, teachers and students of the gymnasium will also be congratulated by Albina Burnatseva, Deputy General Director for Corporate Management of LLC “PASCAL MEDICAL”. The resident was first who responded to the proposal of SEZ Management Company to support the educational institution and provided him with sponsorship.


Now holidays, especially the most important in our schools - the Day of Knowledge, will become common for the collectives of SEZ "Dubna" and Gymnasium No. 11.